2024 fall LMFA season
The 2024 LMFA game schedule is available via PDF below.
2024 LMFA Game Schedule U10,U12,U14
LMFA spectator code of conduct
No spectators are allowed on the turf, or on the bench area of any team.
No abusive language, profanity, or harassment is permitted toward any game official, league official (including timers) coach, or player, Referees can and will enforce penalties (15 yards) against any team whose spectators are in violation of the code of conduct.
The officials can and will also eject from the park anyone violating this policy and the league will follow up with possible season long bans for offenders.
Third annual Pink out games on October 6th
Everyone is encouraged to wear pink on October 6th as we support the fight against cancer and the London Health Science Foundation.
On Oct 6, we will be selling pink t-shirts and socks (sizes limited) for $20 each.
$10 for each item sold will be donated to LHSF and ear marked for the London Regional Cancer Centre.
If you bought your pink shirt or socks at equipment fitting, please wear them on Oct 6th at your game.
Thank you for your support !
Please follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Tweets by LondonMinorFB
Instagram: London_Minor_Football
and follow our officials as well:
@LFOARefs on twitter / X
@londonfootballofficials on Instagram
cell – 519.852.4465
About LMFA
Founded in 1958, the London Minor Football Association provides house league football to boys
and girls ages 7 to 13.
We teach fundamental football skills as well as teamwork and sportsmanship in a fun, relaxed setting.
There is a place for every child, regardless of size, athletic ability or experience.
Our mission is to prepare players for high school football and create football fans for life.